No matter how "pathetic" you think the religious doctrines are, it's every individuals right to follow their own individual conscience
Yes...everyone should be allowed to follow his individual conscience (as long as that does not mean to inflict harm om others).
But in Watchtowerland, your individual conscience is to be made obedient to Watchtower rules. Your conscience allows you (or even urges you) to accept blood, or continue associating with your DFed children? Watchtower will try force you to violate your conscience. If you don't, you'll lose all your friends and family.
So shutting that organization down strangely might mean that a lot of people have more freedom of religion...
Dissolving a legal entity does not stop anyone from following their conscience on worship. They can all still pray to Jehovah, read their Bibles and annoy their neighbors with their preaching.
Just not in a KH. Or with forbidden literature.
I wish no harm for the individual Witnesses anywhere in the world. But th organization should be taken down.